Miss Eurasia / 2013
An annual international beauty contest Miss Eurasia was successfully held in Antalya (Turkey) in June 2013. The constant media attention: daily pervopolosnye materials in leading newspapers, luxurious final picture stories in major magazines and videos on the evening news broadcasters finally put Miss Eurasia in some of the most important cultural events of Antalya!

Due to the high status and the experience of the organizer of the contest - kompaniiLEON FASHION GROUP and President Leonid Miss Eurasia Karatygina competition partners are luxury hotels RIXOS, VOGUE AVANTGARD, SERA, jewelry house ROBERTO BRAVO, fashion brands SASSOFONO, SUNSET, many others, and even brutal brand HARLEY DAVIDSON , recently opened a business office in the world's largest resort.
Belle-finalists from 24 countries and the republics of the Mediterranean had a memorable three weeks, every day, which was painted literally by the hour - travel, yacht tours, promotions, club shows, fashion shows, rehearsals, of course - a beach vacation, and of course , countless photo shoots and video recordings, the results of which you can see on the main site of the contest - www.miss-eurasia.com.
None (!) Girl did not go without presents numerous sponsors - swimwear, shoes, beautiful dresses, jewelry, furs, trips to rest ... but the most pleasant sensations got ranked in the top-12 and top nomination - the finalists were endowed luxurious dresses from SASSOFONO Shipilova and Helen, and the main prize winners were presented with an additional ipad and diamond watch from ROBERTO BRAVO.
The winner of Miss Eurasia-2013 - 22-year-old Olga of Russia Plyusnina addition to all this, and went to the main prizes - a diamond pendant from LYDION for 10,000 euros and an annual contract for $ 12,000.