Miss Eurasia / 2013 / Events
Major newspapers and magazines of Turkey - About Miss Eurasia 2013

Contestants Miss Eurasia-2013 - for DOSSO DOSSI in June 2013

The winners of Miss Eurasia 2013 in a special photo shoot at RIXOS LARES

Final Show Miss Eurasia 2013

One of the most fashionable and popular nightlife tourist Belek - CLUB SOHO - was the site of the show, and select the category MISS BIKINI!

Has already become a tradition in the days of Miss Eurasia MISS ANTOIL special contest was held on the first day of June

On the last day of May beauties finalists paid a visit to the newly opened in the center of Antalya brand Harley-Davidson!

Photo finalists MISS EURASIA-2013 SASSOFONO boutique hotel RIXOS PREMIUM

2nd day of Miss Eurasia 2013! Yacht tour and photo shoot for a brochure!

Miss Eurasia 2013 LAUNCHED!

BOOKLET Miss Eurasia 2013

Always our beauty in the field of vision media Turkey!

Cooperation with the oil company ANTOIL exhibition in Istanbul in april 2013