Miss Eurasia / 2010
We invite you to participate in the Asian qualifying for the finals of the international beauty contest "Miss Eurasia"
The contest will be held in Tomsk, from 19 to 23 May 2010.

As a result of the Asian finals 10 nominees will receive an automatic right to attend the World Finals of Miss Eurasia, which will be held in June and July 2010 in Antalya (Turkey).
In addition, all nominated will receive expensive gifts (gold jewelry, home and video equipment, fur clothing, fashion clothing, trips to leisure, etc) from the partner sponsors of the competition, including world travel agency "MosTravel", the best hotel in the Mediterranean "Adam&Eve", International Oil Company "AntOil", hotel "Grand Ring Beldibi", the best club Mediterranean "ARMA", a worldwide network of clubs "SOHO" and many other famous companies.
To participate in the Asian finals are invited to Beautiful Girls cities in Siberia, the Urals and Far East countries and the republics of Asia: not less than 17 years, with model parameters and stage skills. Experience in other beauty contests, and a model of professional welcome. Must availability (or design) passport. To participate in the competition should be up to 10 May 2010 to send a written request with complete data pretender (name, date of birth, height, weight, shape parameters, a place of study and occupation, address, phone number) and photographs (portrait, full-length and in a bathing suit) to the address misseurasia@yandex.ru
Particularly welcome applications from women of Asian nationalities, brightest representatives of small peoples of Russia.